What I do

Copywriting in Danish and English.

I’m a freelance writer specialised in sensory experiences.

Whether it’s the feeling of a certain kind of chair filling that yields ever so softly to the weight of its owner or a frozen aerated mousse that crumbles and melts into sweet luxury, I take your customers places they might not have seen or been, but will know (and want to experience) by the time I’m done.

My clients range from media outlets and ad agencies, to businesses in the extended lifestyle segment, i.e. food, design, culture, and tourism.


What I don’t do

I believe that one great text will outlast a steady stream of negligible writing anytime. That’s why I don’t do content that’s meant to fill in a daily gap with hot air or what I consider “quantitative writing”.

My skills are put to much better use on qualitative work where a little more time is invested in gathering some truly valuable information and making it delectable for your audience. That way I can rub your back along with your customers’. And we all love a good mutual-backrubbing-session, don’t we?


What I am

Born and bred in Denmark, I’m also 50% Australian via my mother.

With the exception of a few stints in Melbourne, Munich, and London, I’ve been based in Copenhagen for the past 20-odd years and still am.


What can I do for you?

Drop me a line or give me a bell – and tell me how I can be of service to you:


Phone: (+45) 4094 3476



My hourly rate for odd jobs is 975DKK + Danish VAT (moms) with a minimum charge of 2 hours. For larger projects or returning clients with frequent smaller jobs I offer a reduced rate on packages of 20 or more hours.

If you want your invoice made out to a company based outside of Denmark, please note that there will be a surcharge of 600DKK per invoice to cover any bank dealings and extra paperwork involved. 

Heidi Svømmekjær