As a book publisher I have previously worked with Mrs Svømmekjær with great succes. Currently Mrs Svømmekjær and I happily work together doing stories for the weekly travel section of the newspaper Jyllands-Posten – she writes and I edit. I can fully recommend working with Mrs Svømmekjær.

Thomas Linder Thomsen, editor Politikens Forlag

Working with Heidi is pure pleasure. Heidi’s depth and wit always shine through her writing and being both dedicated and punctual makes her a true favorite.

Sanne Frank & Gry Strange Echwald, art directors

In the autumn of 2017 I hired Heidi as a copywriter and editorial assistant for an EU-funded generic cheese campaign titled Ost & ko. Heidi’s job was to produce and post articles for the campaign website; technically a commercial communications job, but in all practicality the assignment required all of the skills from Heidi’s journalistic toolbox: developing storylines, establishing angles, identifying sources, carrying out interviews, writing articles and news features, finding images, posting content to the website using WordPress, and during all of these processes sparring with me about the quality and details of our editorial output.
Heidi performed all of these tasks independently, perfectly within deadlines, and with a fine understanding of the desired level of quality of the material. And besides from her ability to deliver a great product, she is the nicest person to work with and be around in general.

Rasmus Holmgård, gastro-communicator and project manager
Heidi har været tilknyttet Copenhagen Food som skribent siden november 2016, og hun er en fornøjelse at arbejde sammen med. I al den tid, jeg har kendt Heidi, har hun vist et stort engagement og en passion for sit arbejde hos Copenhagen Food.  Heidi er en dygtig, ansvarsfuld, seriøs og særdeles grundig skribent, der altid udfører sine opgaver fejlfrit og med et godt øje for de skrevne detaljer. Hun forstår både at arbejde selvstændigt og som en del af et redaktionelt team, hvor hun er god til at bidrage med idéer og sparring. Jeg vil varmt anbefale Heidi til andre.

Nusha Riis Hassani, editor Copenhagen Food

Sofacompany has worked with Heidi Svømmekjær on multiple campaigns spanning more than a year, and it has been an absolute pleasure in every step of the process. Heidi is a great sparring partner for a creative team, and knows what questions to ask before diving in to a given task. I wish I had her skills in copy when trying to describe her talent – in simple words, she’s great. She plays with words and the outcome is sometimes pure magic and a pleasure to dive into.

Simon Peschcke-Køedt, CMO at SOFACOMPANY